The Reading Guru 2024 National Reading Tutoring Cost Study

Cost of Orton-Gillingham tutoring in different cities

In light of the recent debate surrounding school districts’ slow to switch to Science of Reading-based curricula and the urgent need to help kids catch up after the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost and availability of Orton-Gillingham reading tutoring has become a national issue.

The Reading Guru has conducted the first ever national study on the costs of high-quality reading tutoring in the 25 largest metro areas across the United States.

The data, gathered from a comprehensive analysis of tutoring fees being charged by more than 110 tutoring services nationally, highlights the high overall costs that parents are paying to ensure their kids learn to read and significant variations in pricing from city to city.

Key findings from the study include:

  • The average cost nationally for a 60-minute session with a Science of Reading / Orton-Gillingham tutor is $108.05. 
  • For a typical 9-month course of tutoring, once per week, that amounts to an average cost nationally of $4,214.
  • The New York, NY market suffers the highest average cost per 60-minute session, coming in at $164.33.
  • Los Angeles, CA closely follows with an average cost of $163.00 per session.
  • Parents in Washington, DC, face an average cost of $144.60 per hour, making it one of the priciest markets for Orton-Gillingham tutoring.
  • Phoenix, AZ has the lowest Orton-Gillingham tutoring costs in the nation, with an average cost of $65.58 per session.

“These findings demonstrate the significant costs for Orton-Gillingham tutoring overall, and major differences in the cost of Orton-Gillingham reading tutoring services between different metro areas,” said Joanna Brown, founder and CEO of The Reading Guru, a leading provider of online Orton-Gillingham reading tutoring. “Working with an online provider based in a different part of the country can offer significant savings for parents in high-cost cities.”


Average Price Per 60 Minute Session of Orton-Gillingham Reading Tutoring (2024)

For the Largest 25 Metro Areas in the U.S.  

New York, NY


Los Angeles, CA


Washington, DC


Chicago, IL


Miami, FL


Stamford, CT


Seattle, WA


Boston, MA


San Francisco, CA


San Diego, CA


New Jersey


Baltimore, MD


Orlando, FL


Dallas, TX


Tampa, FL


Denver, CO


Atlanta, GA


Charlotte, NC


Detroit, MI


Philadelphia, PA


Minneapolis, MN


Riverside/San Bernardino, CA


Houston, TX


Portland, OR


Phoenix, AZ



National Average



Joanna Brown, CEO of The Reading Guru, additionally explained, “Many reading tutors we contacted in this national study were completely maxed out – no available slots for new students. It’s critical that kids with dyslexia or other reading difficulties get the right help, which means Orton-Gillingham-based tutoring, when they need it. I encourage parents to keep contacting tutors until they find a qualified reading tutor, in-person or online, with the right skills.”

The Science of Reading emphasizes the need for systematic, explicit instruction in phonics, phonemic awareness, and decoding skills, all of which are central components of the Orton-Gillingham approach. With a growing recognition of the importance of evidence-based approaches to literacy education, Orton-Gillingham stands out as a research-supported method for helping struggling readers, particularly those with dyslexia. 

Despite the wide range of costs, the demand for Orton-Gillingham tutoring remains consistently high across the nation, reflecting its effectiveness in supporting individuals with dyslexia and other reading difficulties.

About The Reading Guru

Founded in 2010, The Reading Guru is a leading provider of online Orton-Gillingham reading tutor services. Joanna Brown, founder and CEO of The Reading Guru, is a master Orton-Gillingham reading tutor with more than 15 years of experience providing personalized, one-on-one reading instruction. Joanna and her team at The Reading Guru use an individualized, tailored personal approach with students and have consistently achieved outstanding results. For more information about The Reading Guru, visit


Joanna Brown, The Reading Guru

Joanna Brown

Joanna Brown, M.S. Ed, C-SLDS, is a master reading teacher with 15 years of experience, and has helped hundreds of children crack the reading code. She offers one-on-one, live, online, individualized Orton-Gillingham-based reading tutoring to students of all ages and skill levels, worldwide, including those with dyslexia.

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